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Gary Roodman
Duple Minor Longways
Historical English Style
Double Progression

1-4 Circle once sound to the left
5.8 Left hand star back to place and turn single right
1-4 Right hand star once around and 
5-6 1st couple lead down through 2nd couple to meet a
    new 2 couple, while 2nd couple moves up the
    outside and faces down to receive a new couple
7-8 2nd couple “gate” the 1st couple around into a line
    of four facing down the set (first progression),
           ↓ M2 Wi M1 W2 ↓

1-4 Lines of four lead down the hall and fall back to
    face partner for
5-8 Three changes of a circular hey (no hands).

1-4 With partner, 2 hand turn once and a half around and face
    that same couple up or down the line for 

5-8 Three changes of a circular hey, beginning along
    the lines. (Then begin the dance again with a new

MUSIC: “Far Away” by Peter Jung.
Teaching Point:
This dance is a double progression. couples hit the top or the bottom of the set they and B2 and are drawn back in.

ins_faraway.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/26 04:39 by mar4uscha