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In affectionate memory of Jim Rolf of Long Crendon, who was involved in growing some of the first blue polyanthus.

Set dance for 3 couples longways

Part 1
A1 1-4   All lead up and back a double .
   5-8   All set to partner R. and L. and turn single.
A2 1-8   Circle L. for 6 once round.

B1 I-4   1st man and 3rd lady, 1st lady and 2nd lady, 2nd man
         and 3rd man, set R. and L. and change places passing R.S.
B1 5-8   All set R. and L. to person opposite (across the set) and
         change places R.S.
82 I-4   3rd lady and 1st man, 3rd man and 2nd man, 2nd lady
         and 1st lady set R. and L. and change places passing R.S.
82 5-8   All set R. and L. to person opposite (across the set) and
         change places R.S. to original places.
Part 2.
A1 1-4   All side L.S. and R.S.
   5-8   All set to partner R. and L. and turn single.
A2 1-8   Circle L. for 6 once round.

B1 1-2   1st man and 2nd lady cross over, while 2nd man and 3rd
         lady do the same.
   3-4   1st couple change places passing R.S. while lrd couple do
         the same.
   5-8   1st lady hands 3 with 1st and 2nd man, while 3rd man
         hands 3 with 2nd and 3rd lady half way round to finish
         will all the men on the ladies' side and the ladies on the
         mens' side.
         3rd couple are now at top, 2nd couple in middle and lst
         couple at the bottom.
B2 1-2   3rd lady and 2nd man change places R.S. while 2nd lady
         and 1st man do the same .
   3-4   1st couple change places passing R.S. while 3rd couple do
         the same.
   5-8   3rd man hands 3 with 2nd and 3rd lady while 1st lady
         hands 3 with Lst and 2nd man half way round to finish
         with everyone in original place.

Part 3
A1 1-8   All arm L. and R.
A2 1-8   Circle L. for 6 once round.
B1 1-8   Complete reversed grimstock hey (Morris hey) 2nd couple
         start by moving up.
B2 1-2   All set R. and L. moving forward into line.
B2 3-8   Cross over and take hands in lines of 3 facing out. Lines
         turn round (1st couple moving down the outside while 3rd
         couple back up the middle) lst couple meet in middle of
         line and all 5 dancers move up a double in line and
         honour the presence .

Source: Tune - A modification of Groveners Square (Valsh 24 dancers for 1732)

O Copyright 1983 Kepas Consultants. Eynsham Oxford

ins_blue_primrose.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/08 03:47 by