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A template

Below is a trial template in which instructions for a dance can be entered. I have tried to make this fit a “standard” 4“ by 6” index card that seems popular with many dance callers. I welcome others to convert those dances not in this format to fit, sinc

|                                                            | 1
| Title (Childgrove) here, format, [[improper/other|notes]]  | 2
|                                                            | 3
| A1 1-4 Partners side.                                      | 4
|    5-8 Partners back-to-back.                              | 5
| A2 1-8 Repeat A1 with neighbor.                            | 6
| B1 1-4 Neighbors turn two-hands once-and-a-half, skipping, | 7
|        and open to face across the set.                    | 8
|    5-8 Partners turn two-hands.                            | 9
| B2 1-8 1st couple figure-eight through 2nd couple above,   |10
|        skipping.                                           |11
|  {inactive couples should change places with partner at top|12
|   and bottom while waiting to re-enter the dance.}         |13
|                                                            |14
|                                                            |16
|                                                            |17
|                                                            |18
|                                                            |19
|                                                            |20
|                                                            |21
|                                                            |22
|                                                            |23
|                                                            |24
dancecard.txt · Last modified: 2015/12/10 19:38 by