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After 9 o'clock dances

Dances that require less instructional time and less intellectual effort to execute and call.

Callers / dancers: Please feel free to add commentary and suggestions or send email to the group.

All the Way to Galway (contra)
Apley House
Auretti's Dutch Skipper
Bishop, The (Triple minor)
Bonnets so Blue			
Circassian Circle		
Circle Waltz			
Comical Fellow		
Corelli's Maggot	
Dover Pier
Draper's Gardens
Duke of Kent's Waltz		
Fiddle Hill Jig (Cold Frosty Morn etc.) (a contra dance)
Freeford Gardens	
Gypsy Round		
Handel with Care	
Holborn March
Hole in the Wall
Honeysuckle Cottage
Hop Ground
I Care Not For These Ladies		
Indian Queen
In the Fields of Frost and Snow
Irish Lamentation
Iroquois in Summer
Jack's Health	
Jack's Maggot	
Johnny Fetch Your Wife Back
Juice of Barley	(esp. in Juice of Bar version)
Keys to the Cellar
Knives and Forks	
Knole Park
Lilli Burlero (if dancers can do the special move)
Long Odds	
Lord Byron's Maggot
Lord Phoppington		
Mendocino Redwoods
Mount Hills
Mr. Isaac's Maggot
Mrs. Savage's Whim
Mutual Love
Never love thee more
New Friends (may be more challenging on timing)	
Number 11 (a contra dance)
Old Wife Behind the Fire
Over the Hills and Far Away		
Pat a Cake Polka (more a novelty)
Physical Snob, The
Pursuit, The	
Queen's Jig	
Ragg, The	
Ribbon Dance (novelty)	
Sapphire Sea (if dancers know dolphin hey)
Snow in April
Softly Good Tummas (because group knows it)
Spaniard, The
Stirrup Cup (contra?)
Take a Dance / Ore Boggy
Trip to Richmond
Trip to Tunbridge
Tunbridge Beauties
Turning by Threes
Turn of the Tide
Tythe Pig
Upon a Summer's Day		
Well Hall
When Laura Smiles
Wooden Shoes
Yellow Stockings
Young Widow
Zephyrs and Flora
after9.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/05 16:17 by