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Private Foot It Featly

 A1 1       All no-hands circle CW one place around    

    2       Partners change by R-shoulder on sides     

    3       All no-hands circle CW one more place around     

    4       Partners change by R-shoulder across set to end             

              facing CCW (all progressed and improper)  

 A2 1       All no-hands circle CCW one place around    

    2       Partners change by L-shoulder on sides     

    3       All no-hands circle CCW one more place around     

    4       Partners change by L-shoulder across set (all home)  

 B  1-2     Partners set     

    3-4     Neighbors change places by turning single over R-shoulder     

    5-6     Partners set     

    7-8     Partners R-hand turn once round (2nd diagonals end facing out)
pins_foot_it_featly.1555865647.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/04/21 16:54 by nashjc