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Twelfth Night

longways, duple minor L. Vosteen

Tune: Twelfth Eve, The Dancing Master, 1702 AABBX7

  A1  Right hands across half way and fall back into lines;
      1st corners cast around neighbor into opposite corner's
      place as 2nd corners set moving forward and fall back.
  A2  Repeat with left hands across and 2nd corners casting.
      1s corners setting (all progressed, improper)
  B1  2s cross and cast and come up between the ones to form
      a line of 4 facing up (1s do not move up);
      lines lead forward and fall back bending the line.
  B2  1s half figure of eight up;
      all two-hand turn partner once round.
ins_twelfth_night.1568569242.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/15 17:40 by mar4uscha