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Trip to Bavaria

4 Couple Longways

A1  1-4    2nd and 3rd couples œ right hand star in the middle then face nearest end,
           while, 1st and 4th couples cross over giving right hands then face in along the line.
           All change on the sides giving left hands.
    5-8    Repeat:    Middles star,     Ends cross     then     Change on the side.
A2  1-4    Repeat:    Middles star,     Ends cross     then     Change on the side.
    5-8    Repeat:    Middles star,     Ends cross     then     Change on the side.
B1  1-4    1st couple face down others face up, 1st and 2nd couples take inside hands
           and set, the 2's then cast up,    while, 
           the 1's move down and change places,
    5-8    1st and 3rd couples repeat        
B2  1-4    1st and 4th couples repeat
    5-8    Lines go forward and back except 1st couple at the bottom who cross back
           to their own side .

See an animation of this dance SvgLogoSmall.png.

Or a five couple version animation SvgLogoSmall.png.

Or a six couple version animation SvgLogoSmall.png.

video music-

ins_trip_to_bavaria.1584765647.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/21 04:40 by mar4uscha