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The Prince of Westborough

(longways, duple minor)

Dance by Paula Kelley; tune by Kate Barnes

A.  In groups of 4 (hands not joined), 
    all balance into the center and out; 
    all turn single R; RH star once round. 
    In groups of 4, all balance into 
    the center and out; all turn single L; 
    LH star once round.

B.  1st corners cross L and leisurely turn 
    single R to face in while 
    2nd corners turn single R and cross R; 
    All circle once round.

    Poussette CW halfway, 1st corners moving forward to begin

    Draw poussette CW, ending progressed & proper, 
    1st corners drawing partners
ins_prince_of_westborough.1555206779.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/14 01:52 by nashjc