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Dance and Music by Colin Hume
4 couples Square.

Al  First couple promenade round the outside of the maze, while sides go forward and back.
    Side ladies chain across.
A2  First couple in through the door and circle four (with the threes) half-way. Threes arch, 
    ones dive through, separate, go around one person to the middle of lines of three while 
    threes California twirl.
Bl  Forward six and back. Those who can, ladies chain across (first man, fourth lady and fourth
    man, first lady).

B2  Threes lead across, separate, go around one person to lines of four. Forward eight and back.
Cl  Circle eight half-way. Ones promenade (about half-way) until opposite their home position,
    while the other six continue to circle to the left (about half-way) .
C2  Ones swing, the others finish with a line of three men facing their partners and form a 
    tunnel, effectively in a longways set with the ones at the bottom. 
    Ones lead up the tunnel (home), followed by fours, threes, twos.
Dl: Promenade round to the left (out of the maze) until all are home.
D2: Join hands, go in to the middle and back. All swing partners.

The dance is repeated with each couple in turn leading the figure. When the twos lead, the tunnel will have the men facing the caller, etc.
This dance was written for Peter Mayes in appreciation of his work as Director of the Eastbourne Folk Festival for ten years, and was first danced at Eastbourne in 1985.

ins_peters_maze.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/07 04:45 by mar4uscha