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O Susato

Victor Skowronski (2000)
Longways duple improper
Music: Ronde IX (Tielman Susato), Recording:

A1  1-2  Neighbor arm right
    3-4  Neighbor set & turn single (end facing partner)
A2  1-2  Partner arm left
    3-4  Partner set and turn single
B1  1-2  Partner siding (swirly) left
    3    Partner pass right
    4    Cloverleaf turn single (away from neighbor)
B2  1-2  Neighbor siding (swirly) left
    3    Neighbor pass right
    4    Partner pass left 
         (end in a line of four, facing up, 1s on the end)
C1  1-2  Lines up a double & back
    3-4  Change with partner: 
         Ends cast down, half-figure up and face up at 
         the other end of the line WHILE
         2s cross up, cast down and lead up 
         into the middle of the line
C2  1-2  Lines up a double & back
    3-4  Change back and progress: 
         Ends cast down, half-figure up and move down 
         to face new 2s while 2s cross up, cast down 
         and lead up to face new 1s
Last time
C2  3-4  (Face the presence) honor left & right
ins_o_susato.1555174753.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/13 16:59 by nashjc