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Jacob Hall's Jig

Playford, The Dancing Master, 1695-1728.
Cecil Sharp, The Country Dance Book, Part IV, 1916.
Kate Van Winkle Keller and Genevieve Shimer, The Playford Ball (CDSS), 1994.

Playford, “Under and Over”, The Dancing Master, 1652-1728.
6/8, AABB, F/E/G minor
Recording: proper duple-minor longways

A1 1-2 First corners right-hand turn once around while
       first woman cross to her partner's place.
   3-4 Ones left-hand turn once around.  First woman change hands and flip around.
   5-8 These three (ones with the second woman) circle right once around.
A2 1-2 Second corners left-hand turn once around while
       second woman cross to her partner's place.
   3-4 Twos right-hand turn once around.  Second woman change hands and flip around.
   5-8 These three (twos with the first woman) circle left once around.
B1 1-2 Ones lead down a double.
   3-4 Ones change hands and lead up between the twos
       to form a line of four across the set.
   5-8 Lines lead up a double and fall back into a ring.
B2 1-4 Circle left once around.
   5-8 Ones lead up and cast down to progressed place.

Cecil Sharp added the turns with partners in A1 and A2.
Danced in the 1996 movie Emma.

Jacob Hall's Jig

Jacob Hall's Jig (Pat Shaw reconstruction) TTO 2019

A1 1-4 1st corners right hand turn once around, 
   5-8 they pick up lady 1 and circle left once.
A2 1-4 2nd corners left hand turn once, 
   5-8 they pick up lady 2 and circle right once.
         All end in original places.
B1 1-2 Ones lead down a double.
   3-4 Ones change hands and lead up between the twos
       to form a line of four across the set.
   5-8 Lines lead up a double and fall back into a ring.
B2 1-4 Circle left once around.
   5-8 Ones lead up and cast down to progressed place.


T:Under and Over
T:for the dance "Jacob Hall's Jig"
S:Peter Barnes, "English Country Dance Tunes, vol. 1", p59
S:transposed from the original key of G minor
K:E minor
"Em"E2ed2^c|"G"B3"D"A3|"Em"G3/2A/BA2G|"D(Bm)"F3D3|"Em"E2ed2e|"Bm"f3B2B|"A"^c3/2d/e "Bm"ed2|"Em"e3-e2z:|
|:"G"d2d d3/2^c/B|"D"A2AA2F|"Em"G3/2A/BA2G|"Bm"F3D3|"Em"E2ed2e|"Bm"f3B2B|"A"^c3/2d/e "Bm"ed2|"Em"e3-e2z:|
ins_jacob_halls_jig.1572494415.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/10/31 04:00 by mar4uscha