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Jacob Hall's Jig
Playford, The Dancing Master, 1695-1728.
Cecil Sharp, The Country Dance Book, Part IV, 1916.
Kate Van Winkle Keller and Genevieve Shimer, The Playford Ball (CDSS), 1994.

Playford, “Under and Over”, The Dancing Master, 1652-1728.
6/8, AABB, F/E/G minor

proper duple-minor longways

A1 1-2 First corners right-hand turn once around while
       first woman cross to her partner's place.
   3-4 Ones left-hand turn once around.  First woman change hands and flip around.
   5-8 These three (ones with the second woman) circle right once around.
A2 1-2 Second corners left-hand turn once around while
       second woman cross to her partner's place.
   3-4 Twos right-hand turn once around.  Second woman change hands and flip around.
   5-8 These three (twos with the first woman) circle left once around.
B1 1-2 Ones lead down a double.
   3-4 Ones change hands and lead up between the twos
       to form a line of four across the set.
   5-8 Lines lead up a double and fall back into a ring.
B2 1-4 Circle left once around.
   5-8 Ones lead up and cast down to progressed place.

Cecil Sharp added the turns with partners in A1 and A2.
Danced in the 1996 movie Emma.

T:Under and Over
T:for the dance "Jacob Hall's Jig"
S:Peter Barnes, "English Country Dance Tunes, vol. 1", p59
S:transposed from the original key of G minor
K:E minor
"Em"E2ed2^c|"G"B3"D"A3|"Em"G3/2A/BA2G|"D(Bm)"F3D3|"Em"E2ed2e|"Bm"f3B2B|"A"^c3/2d/e "Bm"ed2|"Em"e3-e2z:|
|:"G"d2d d3/2^c/B|"D"A2AA2F|"Em"G3/2A/BA2G|"Bm"F3D3|"Em"E2ed2e|"Bm"f3B2B|"A"^c3/2d/e "Bm"ed2|"Em"e3-e2z:|
ins_jacob_halls_jig.1555097856.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/12 19:37 by nashjc