3 Couple Longways Set
David Macemon 1992
A1 Hands 6 L & R:
A2 1-8 1st Co Hey contrary sides,
crossing down through middle place;
9-16 1st Co Hey on own sides, crossing as before:
B1 1-8 1st & 2nd Co's double fig 8,
1st Co crossing down to start;
9-10 1st & 2nd Co's Rh across 1/2 way,
11-16 1st & 3rd Co's Lh across 1 1/2 times round:
B2 1-4 1st & 3rd Co's l/2 poussette, Men pushing to start;
5-8 1st & 2nd Co's l/2 poussette, Men pulling to start;
9-16 1st Co waltz down middle to bottom
as 2nd & 3rd Co's wait (9-12),
move up (13-14) & 2 hands 1/2 turn (15-16).
Repeat twice.
Recording: cynthias_waltz-060-apnw-03.mp3.zip