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This appears to be a Scottish country dance version, but would also be danceable in the English idiom.

ANCHORS AWEIGH (R8x48) 3C (4C set) A Robertson

1- 4 1s dance down below 3s and cast up to 2nd place 
5-16 2s+1s+3s dance 3 couple RandL 
17-24 2s+1s+3s dance reel of 3 on sides (1L in and up, 1M in and down) and 1s end facing 1st corners 
25-32 1s turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH and partner LH to face 1st corners 
33-40 1s dance reels of 3 across (Lady with 2s and Man with 3s) ending 2nd place own sides 
41-48 2s+1s+3s circle left for 6 steps, pivot left and circle back
ins_anchors_aweigh.1405460844.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/07/15 21:47 by