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Accord for Pinewoods

Music: Tom Siess, recording on New Friends CD

Dance: Gary Roodman

Longways 3 couples

   A1  1-8   Up a double and back; S&TS
   A2  1-8   Down a double and back; S&TS
   B1  1-4   M1 lead men behind women; women wait 2 beats and move into partner's place turning R
       5-8   W1 lead women behind men; men as per women above (lines inverted, proper)
       9-12  Hands 6 half way, fall back if time
      13-16  Turn partner 1/2 RH and TS left
   B2  1-8   (2 Jack's Maggot heys)
             W1 between M1 and M2 L shoulder, M3 between W2 and W3 L shoulder, into
       9-12  Same sets of 3, RH across until W1 and M3 in middle of set
      13-16  W1 and M3 pass left in middle and turn L onto end of own lines while
             W2 and W3 cast L moving up and M1 and M2 cast L moving down (one place)
   Part 2 uses Side R, S&TS, Side L, S&TS then same B
   Part 3 uses Arm R,  S&TS, Arm L, S&TS then same B
ins_accord_for_pinewoods.1405460836.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/07/15 21:47 by