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Chocolate Equation (B.Friendly & C.Sackett)

4Cpl. longways (music 32 bar of 4/4, i.e.4 steps /bar)

 A1   All C.Sharp siding with ptn.Lt-sh, then Rt-sh /into/
 A2   In two halves of set, Rt-h across, back Lt-h across  
      (*_note_*: Gene called cirles here)
 B1   Straight Rt-sh hey, middles facing ends to begin.
 B2   At top Rt-h across 1/2 way, Lt-h across 1/2 way in 
      middle, Rt-h across 1/2 with 4th Cpl. 
      All cross Lt-h with Ptn.
chocolate_equation_private.1429727808.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/04/22 18:36 by nashjc