Minutes of Special General Meeting of Ontario Not-for-profit corporation Ottawa English Dance on 13 September 2024 Chair Mary Shliefman called the meeting to order at 20:42. Present: Mary Shliefman, Mandy Hair, John Nash, Graham Thompson On telephone: James Hargrove and Michelle Sutherland 1) John Nash and Michelle Sutherland, as incorporating members, noted that Graham Thompson, Sara Lawson, Mary Shliefman, James Hargrove and (with the corporation meeting on June 23) Mandy Hair offered and were accepted as members of the Ontario Not-for-profit Corporation "Ottawa English Dance". Statement acknowledged by all members. 2) Sara Lawson has resigned her membership. John Nash has sent her a letter and stamped return envelope to provide a written confirmation of her resignation that was made to Mary Shliefman in a telephone conversation last week. Statement acknowledged by all members. 3) Motion by John Nash, seconded by Graham Thompson, that we adopt bylaws as stated in file 20240905Draft-OED Bylaws.2.rtf and appended to these minutes. Motion approved by all members. Motion to adjourn as 20:47 by Mandy Hair, seconded Graham Thompson, approved by all members.