Table of Contents
Lists of dances we have danced 2011-2012. Top most recent
June 27, 2012. Orange Hall
- Comical Fellow
- Working Masons in Merlin
- Believe Me
- Another Nancy's Fancy
- Marching to Praetorius
- Barbarini's Tambourine
- Gypsy Round
June 6, 2012. Orange Hall
- Collier's Daughter
- Mrs. Savage's Whim
- Chelsea Reach
- If All the World Were Paper
- Bartlett House
- Belle of Northampton
- My Lady Windwood's Maggot
May25, 2012
- Black Bess
- Honeysuckle Cottage
- Female Saylor
- Well Hall
- Belle of the Ball
- Leading Man
- Queen's Jig
- Easter Morn
- Zephyrs and Flora
May 23, 2012. Orange Hall
- Sparkling Eyes
- Diel Take the War
- Barham Down
- Orliana
- Mary Kay
- Winter Solstice
- Wa is Me. What Must I Do
- Wives Victory
May 18, 2012. David Smukler
- Ore Boggy
- Corelli's Maggot
- Bar a Bar
- St. Margaret's Hill
- Zephyrs and Flora
- Impropriety
- Leather Lake
- Helena
- Elizabeth
- Trip to Richmond
May 11, 2012
- Portabella
- Short and Sweet: 1 vote
- Saint Martin's Lane
- Sarah: 2 votes
- Fenterlarick
- The Bishop
- Spanish Waltz: 2 votes
Insufficient votes to choose a favourite
May 4, 2012
- Mount Hills: 4 votes
- Meet in the Middle: 4 votes
- Dancing Across the Arlantic: 1 vots
- The Fine Lady of Homewood: 2 votes
- Duke of Kent's Waltz: 3 votes
- Holborn March
- Key to the Cellar: 5 votes
- Marching to Praetorius 6 votes
- Mad Robin: 2 votes
- Turning by Threes: 5 votes
Marching to Praetorius narrowly took top spot
May 2, 2012. Orange Hall
- Winter Maggot
- Little Nightingale
- Barham Down: 2 votes
- Good Man of Cambridge: 2 votes
- Diamond Gypsy: 2 votes
- Dublin Bay
- Chester Ladies: 1 vote
- Binghamton Carousel: 1 vote
No clear favourite
April 27, 2012
- Apley House: 4 votes
- Mr. Beveridge's Maggot: 5 votes
- Chestnut: 4 votes
- Squaring the Circle: 3 votes
- Beauteous Grove: 1 vote
- Wakefield Hunt: 2 votes
- Fine Lady of Homewood: 1 vote
- Hole in the Wall: 2 votes
- Jack's Health: 3 votes
Our maggot this evening concurs with Mr. Beveridge
April 25, 2012. Orange Hall
- Hay Maker
- Hand in Hand: 1 vote
- Mirror Me: 1 vote
- My Lady of the Lake
- Stockport Assembly: 1 vote
- Huntington's Maggot
- Safe Harbour
- Portsmouth (triple minor)
- Leading Man: 2 votes
This evening's maggot: Leading Man
April 20, 2012
- Queen's Jig: 7 votes
- Impertinence: 7 votes
- Autumn in Amhurst: 5 votes
- Gentlemen'ss Delight: 2 votes
- Belle of the Ball: 3 votes
- Hop Picker's Feast: 5 votes
- Gold for the Mahieus: 2 votes
- Chocolate Equation: 2 votes
- Female Saylor: 8 votes
- Angels Unaware: 4 votes
Favourite dance of the evening: Female Saylor
April 13, 2012
- The Comical Fellow
- The Dancing Wife
- Belfast Duck
- Circassian Circle
- Softly Good Tummus
- Oranges and Lemons
- Sweet Cecily
- Well Hall
- All the Way to Galway
April 4, 2012. Orange Hall
- Easter Morn
(A Tribute to Angela Kilby)
- Mr. Isaac's Maggot
- New Friends
- Squaring the Circle
- Braes of Dornoch
- Easter Thursday
March 30, 2012
- Mendocino Redwoods
- Our Brief Encounter
- Lull Me Beyond Thee
- Collier's Daughter
- Chocolate Roung-O
- Waves of Tory
- Turning by Threes
- Jacob Hall's Jig
- Hit and Miss
- Chocolate Roung-O (again)
March 28, 2012
- St. Margaret's Hill
- The Mavis Sweetly Sings
- St. Martin's Lane
- Midwinter Maggot
- Dublin Bay
- Another Nancy's Fancy
- Hazlefern Place
March 23, 2012
- Impropriety
- Astonished Archaeologist
- Kelsterne Gardens
- Sachetts Harbour
- Puck's Deceipt
- Key to the Cellar
- Jaque Latin
- Mr. Beveridge's Maggot
- Draper's Gardens
- Tythe Pig
March 16, 2012
- In the Fields of Frost and Snow (4 votes)
- Dusty Miller (1 vote)
- Meet in the Middle (6 votes)
- Apley House (1 vote)
- Goose and the Gridiron (2 votes)
- Snow in April (2 votes)
- Portsmouth (2 votes)
- Jacques Latin (3 votes)
Favourite dance of the evening: MEET IN THE MIDDLE
March 9, 2012
- Christina
- Sun Assembly
- Double Duet
- Dusty Miller
- Hare's Maggot
- High Jinks
- Mr. Isaac's Maggot
- The Bishop
- Spectator Special
- Alice
March 7. 2012. Orange Hall
- The Gay Gadabout
- O'Susato
- Filigree
- Anna Maria
- Generosity
- Leather Lake House
March 2, 2012
- Good Man of Cambridge
- The Merry Andrew
- The Belle of the Ball
- Hambleton's Round-o
- Leading Man
- Siege of Limerick
- Trip to East Hampstead
- Impertinence
- Take a Dance
February 24nd
(snow night!)
- Round About Our Coal Fire
- Bonnets So Blue
- The Merry Andrew
- Mrs Savage's Whim
- Zephyrs and Flora
- Apley House
- Portsmouth
- Mrs Pomeroy's Pavane
- Jack's Health
February 22nd
- Neat, Mr. John
- Joy after Sorrow
- Punch Bowl
- Orliana
- Apollo's Hunt
- Joy(ce) of the Town
- Red House
February 17, 2012
- Emperor of the Moon
- Kind & Easy
- Michael and All Angels
- Chester Ladies
- Candles in the Phoenix
- Dear Abby
- Stitchers Birthday
- Waterfall Waltz
February 10, 2012
- Trip to Town O
- Drapers Gardens
- Queen's Jig
- Holborne March
- Orleans Baffled
- Handel with Care
- Jamaica
- Geud Man of Ballangigh
- All the way to Galway
- Circassian Circle
- Hole in the Wall
- Zephyrs & Flora
February 3, 2012
- Jacques Latin
- Binghamton Carousel
- Lady Williams' Deli8ght
- Wibsey Roundabout
- Our Brief Encounters
- I Care Not For These Ladies
- Cockle Shells
- Double Duet
- Dover Pier
- Angels Unaware
February 1, 2012. Orange Hall
- The Merry Andrew
- The Fine Lady of Homewood
- Far Away
- Impropriety
- New Friends
- A New Beginning
January 27, 2012
- The Dancing Wife
- Candles in the Dark
- Dressed Ship
- Shrewsbury Lasses
- Our Brief Encounters
- Jamaica
- Peace be with You
- Corelli's Maggot
- Leading Man
- Sweet Cecily
- Take a Dance
- Christina
January 25, 2012. Orange Hall
- The Stitcher's Birthday
- Puck's Deceit
- Laurelhurst
- Mary Kay
- Grace Hay's Delight
- Jody's Birthday
January 20, 2012
- Merry Conceit
- Barham Down
- Belle of the Ball
- Impertinence
- Dancing Across the Atlantic
- Soultain's Jig
- Female Saylor
- Fine Companions
January 13, 2012
- Belfast Duck
- Bonnets So Blue
- Christ Church Bells
- Black Nag
- Auretti's Dutch Skipper
- Indian Queen
- Drapers Gardens
- All the way to Galway
- Duke of Kent's Waltz
- Circassian Circle
January 6, 2012. David Smukler
- Knole Park
- Christina
- Wood Duck
- Young Widow
- Duke of Kent's Waltz
- Old Wife Behind the Fire
- Jack's Health
- Ashford Anniversary
- Well Hall
- Lilliburlero
- Margaret's Waltz
January 4, 2012. Orange Hall
- Diamond Gypsy
- Heswell and W. Kirby Jubilee
- Songs of the Harpist
- Orliana
- Sally in our Alley
- Emma's Commencement
December 9, 2011
- Rakes of Rochester
- Gypsy Round
- Lilliburlero
- When Laura Smiles
- The Introduction
- Softly Good Tummus
- Black Nag
- Siege of Limerick
- Greenwich Park
- Kelsterne Gardens
- Comical Fellow
- Well Hall
December 7th, 2011
- Cockleshells
- 10 for the 10 Commandments
- 7 for the Seven Stars in the Sky
- Winter Solstice
- Mid-Winter Maggot
- My Chocolate
- Vivaldi in Paradise
- Emma's Commencement
December 2nd, 2011
- Female Saylor
- Mad Robin
- Mr Beveridge's Maggot
- Barbarini's Tambourine
- Young Widow
- Elverton Grove
- Alice
- Comical Fellow
- All the way to Galway
November 25, 2011
- Mr Isaac's Maggot
- Wakefield Hunt
- Michael and All Angels
- Prince George's Birthday
- Bar a Bar
- Girl's Best Friend
- Lady of the Woods
- Ribbon Dance
- Portsmouth
- Indian Queen
- Nigel's Contra
November 23, 2011
- Cambridge Waltz
- The Adieu
- Captain's Maggot
- Devil's Maggot
- Bloomsbury Market
- Joseph's Jig
- Dear Abbey
November 18, 2011
- Woodstock Park
- Beauteous Grove
- Fair Quaker of Deal
- Whimsy Round-about
- Short and Sweet
- Mendocino Redwood
- Sweet Cecily
- Draper's Gardens
- Fair Quaker(reprise)
- Jack's Health
- Softly Good Tummes
November 4, 2011
- The Dancing Wife
- Double Duet
- Prince William
- Mrs Pomeroy's Pavane
- Rakes or Rochester
- In the fields of Frost & Snow
- Mr. Isaac's Maggot
November 2, 2011. Orange Hall
- TheStitchers Birthday
- Easter Morn
- Charlene's Celebration
- Mirror Me
- Wa Is Me
- Mr. Adson't Masque
- Vivaldi in Paradise
- Whirl-a-Jig
October 28, 2011
- Mes. Pomeroy's Pavane
- Devil's Dream
- Grimstock
- White Joak
- Yellow Stockings
- Indian Queen
- Physical Snob
- Dover Pier
- Well Hall
October 26, 2011
- Ely Court
- Wives Victory
- Prince William
- MacDonald's March
- Archbishop
- Masquerade Royale
- Mr. Isaac's Maggot
- Kelstorne Garden
- Delia
October 21, 2011
- Holborne March
- Gentleman's Delight
- Asonished Archeologist
- Filigree
- Freeford Gardens
- Smithy Hill
- Got a Dance by George
- Honey Suckle Cottage
- Streamount
- Richmond Hill
- Auretits Duch Skipper
- Zephyrs and Flora
- Ribbon Dancer
- Hole in the Wall
- Circassian Circle
October 14, 2011
- Jenny Pluck Pears
- Beauteous Grove
- Smithy Hill
- Mr Kyneston / Merry Conclusion
- Bishop
- Levi Jackson
- Corellis Maggot
- Belfast Duck
- Comical Fellow
- Fiddle Hill Jig
- Hole in the Wall
- Circassian Circle
October 7, 2011
- Red House
- Zealand
- Stitcher's Birthday
- Marching to Praetorius
- Heiden Roslein
- Orleans Baffled
- Corelli's Maggot
- Sun Assembly
- Chocolate RoundO
- Soulton Jiggg
- Take a Dance
- Alice
October 5, 2011. Orange Hall
- Trip to Richmond
- O Suzato
- Wa' is Me, What Must I Do
- Woodland Chase
- Band of Friends
- Sally in our Alley
- Easter Morn
- Wrights of Lichfield
September 30, 2011
- Round About Our Coal Fire
- Shrewsbury Lasses
- Mrs. Savages's Whim
- Picking Up Sticks
- Siege of Limerick
- Queen's Jig
- Indian Queen
- Sweet Cecily
- Elverton Grove
- Belfast Duck
- Jack's Health
September 28, 2011. Orange Hall
- Highland Humour
- Draw Cupid, Draw
- Shira Delight
- Rose of Sharon
- Childgrove
- When Laura Smiles
- Whirl-a-Jig
September 23, 2011
- Stitcher's Birthday
- Belle of Northampton
- Bartlet House
- Miss Anderson's Allemonde
- Impertinence
- The Bonny Cuckoo
- Take a Dance
- Tythe Pig
- Young Widow
- Bonnets So Blue
- Christchurch Bells
September 16, 2011
- Knole Park
- Trip to Town
- Autumn in Amhurst
- Chocolate Equation
- Severn Bore
- Ashford Anniversary
- Gold for the Mahieus
- Trip to Paris
- Portsmouth
- Auretti's Dutch Skipper
- Sweet Cecily
- Sun Assembly
- Lady of the Woods
September 9, 2011
- Leamington Dance
- Trip to Richmond
- New Beginning
- Softly Good Tummas
- Mendocino Redwoods
- Leah's Waltz
- Queen's Jig
- Keys to the Cellar
- Turn of the Tide
- Circassian Circle
Sept 7, 2011. Orange Hall
- Retiring Fellow
- The Round
- Girls Best Friend
- Quite Carried Away
- A Concealed Health
- Windsor Knot
- Bloomsbury Market
oecdc/2012_dances.txt · Last modified: 2014/07/15 22:26 by