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EDWIN'S MAGGOTT Du Min Fried de Metz Herrllan 1991

   A1        1-4        1st & 2nd Men Rh turn as 1st Wo joins in 
                   behind partner to make a star;
           5-8        1st Co (Man leading) Lh across with 2nd Wo, 
                   finishing in middle facing 2nd Wo 
                   (1st Wo on L of partner):
   A2                1st Co, Man in front, go full fig 8 round 2nd Co, 
                   starting Lsh round 2nd Wo, & finishing improper
                   in 1st place, facing neighbour:
   B1        1-8        Neighbours Gypsy Rsh, then, Men passing Lsh in middle, 
                   Partners Gypsy Lsh (across set):
   B2         1-4        2nd Co 1/2 fig up through I st Co;
           5-8        Hands 4 L 1/2 way, then all face down & turn single 
                   away from partner (Men R, We L).
                  (1st Wo large turn single to go straight into next turn
                    - Rh star)
ins_edwins_maggot.1405460919.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/07/15 21:48 by