(1721 DM vol 1, 6/4, duple, easy)

   A1 1-4 C1 fwd Double to meet, fall back Double
      5-8 C1 change places and keep facing out ready to cast
   A2 1-4 C2 lead up D (as C1 move down), and fall back D
      5-8 change places (progressed improper)
   B1 1-4 2 men lead between women and cast to place
      5-8 hands 4 once round
   B2 1-4 2 women lead between men and cast to place
      5-8  hands 4 half way, C1 cast, C2 move up.

music -

Instructions and notes:

Wolverton Hall, Warwickshire, England was situated near the river Avon not far from Warwick Castle, and was home to the Stanton family in the 17th century.