Proper duple minor longways dance
John Essex 1710
Interpreted by Pat Shaw in 1964

A1 1-3   M1 goes down round M2 (who does not move) as W1 goes
	 down middle round W2 & back to place,
   4-6   C1 with W2 hands 3 L once round (slip step), 
	 then W2 drops back to place as C1 change hands,
   7-9   C1 with M2 (on M1's L) hands 3 L once round, finishing
	 with C1 improper in 1st place;
A2       Repeat A1, but with M1 down middle round W2 & W1 casting
         round M2; finish in original places:
Bl 1-6   1st corners 1/2 turn with 2 hands, then cast R round
         neighbour to places (turn 2 bars, cast 4 bars),
   7-12  2nd corners ditto, casting R round own partner;
B2 1-6   C1 set R & L, 1/2 turn with 2 hands & cast down into middle
         of line of 4 facing up,
   7-12  Line leads up 2 steps, falls back 2 steps, then M1 hands
         partner across in front & they cast into 2nd place as C2
         meet & lead up (as in Mr Beveridge's Maggott).

This dance has a nice flow if the dancers can get the circles and hand change to line up with the music. The turn and go round neighbour/partner is very natural and simple once the pattern is understood, but the instructions at first may seem confusing. It may help to slow the music a few percent to avoid the movements being rushed, but the dance is nonetheless quite lively. — nashjc 2016/12/05 14:15

The Tatler is the name of a London newspaper (published three days a week) that was first published in 1709 by Richard Steele, using the pen-name “Isaac Bickerstaff, Esquire”. The aim of the periodical was to print news and gossip that filtered through London's coffeehouses. It was a successful venture that lasted for two years before Steele moved on to other publishing projects, and it was imitated by others; Edinburgh had its Tatler, for example.