The Solution

Chris Sackett and Brooke Friendly 2006
Longways for Four Couples, Four Couples Active
4×32 Reel or Strathspey

1-6   Is cast and weave the line to the bottom: cast around 2s, in and around 3s, out and
      around 4s (each couple step up in turn)
7-8   All set to partner (without hands in line)
9-12  Top and bottom foursomes: R-hands across once round
13-16  Middle four L-hands across once round while end couples L-hand turn once round
17-20 Top and bottom foursomes: R-hands across once round
21-24 Partners R-hand turn once round into allemande position with top two couples
      facing up, bottom two couples facing down
25:32 Top and bottom foursomes: allemande to progressed places
Repeat with the couple at the bottom weaving the line to the top

Teaching points:
Bar 24; In bottom foursome the 'file roles’ for the allemande will be reversed. 2nd time ends 3, 4, 1, 2.
3rd time begins from top, ending 1, 4, 3, 2.
4th time begins from bottom, ending 1, 2, 3, 4,
There is a dance called The Conundrum devised by Brendy Burnell. It has allemandes out the top and, bottom and had a figure to get the men to be on the correct side of their partner for the allemande, Since we dance with men and women on either Side of the dance and don’t worry about gender roles, we decided to write a dance Where you got to Switch which role You had in the allemande throughout the dance.