Shropshire Lass

Nathaniel Kynaston 1710.
Adapted by Bernard Bentley in 1971
Three-couple longways set

A1 1-4  1s set right and left to partner, then cast down into 2nd place, 2s moving up.
   5-8  1s and 3s circle left once around.
A2 1-4  1s again set right and left to partner, then cast up into 1st place, 2s moving down.
   5-8  1s and 2s circle left once around.
B1 1-4  1st man and 2nd man right-hand turn once and a half around, while 1st woman and 2nd woman left-hand turn 
        once and a half around (4 bars), then 1st woman and 3rd woman right-hand turn once around, while 1st man 
        and 3rd man left-hand turn once around (4 bars). Set is now: 2-1-3, all proper.
B2 1-8	1s half figure eight up through the standing 2s (4 bars), then 1s two-hand turn halfway and cast to 3rd 
        place (3s moving up). Progression: 2-3-1. Dance two more times.

Copyright © none
Source: Graham Christian, TTO Ball Program
Sticker Number: n/a
Recording: Video: