Du min; Preston c.1790
Recording: long_odds-dndabl12.mp3.zip
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjWHGDVSakI

A1  C1 set, 1/2 turn Rh & turn original corner Lh once and a half;
A2  Face neighbour on side, Set, 1/2 turn Rh, 
    then C1 Lh turn once and a half:
B1  C1 lead down middle, turn, lead back & cast down to 2nd place, 
    C2 leading up;
B2  All whole poussette, M2 pulling, M1 pushing to start.

Clarification 2023-12-08. Make sure A2 has NEIGHBOURS setting, C1 turn with partner.