Tune: Hewlett Set dance for five couples longways.
Play AB Five times.

A 1-4   A11 lead up a double and back.
  5-B   All step set right and left and turn single.
  9-12  1st an-d 2"d couples and 46 and 5ft couples half poussette (1st and 4th
        men push).
  13-15 1st and 2nd couples and 4b and 5ft couples, partners facing, four
        changes circular hey while the 3rd couple turn with the right hand once
        round, then the 3'd man turn his partner under arm.
       The set is now 21354 all proper.
B 1-2  1st man change places with the 3'd man giving right hands while the 1st
       woman change places with the 3'd woman giving left hands.
  3-4  1st man change places with the 5m man giving left hands while the 1st
       woman change places with the 5th woman giving right hands.
  5-8  All step set right and left and turn single into a ring of ten.
  9-16 Circle left once round to progressed places.
       The set is now 23514 all proper. Repeat four times to return the set to its
       original position.

Source. Tune. “Turlough O'Carolan”
Dance. Ken Sheffield. 1570 - 7738.
O Copyright 2005 Kepas Consultants. Eynsham Oxford