Designing Woman

Redesigned –

A 1-4  First corners turn by the right once around and 
       end facing partner on the  (second) diagonal for a ...
  5-8  Half-hey on the diagonal, passing by the right on the 
       outside and left in the middle, and ending with first corners 
       proper in second corner places and second corners improper 
       in first corner places. (It is equivalent to simply
       turning the minor set a quarter of the way to the right).
  9-12 Second corners (now in first corner places) turn by the 
       right once around and end facing a person of the same gender 
       on the (same) second diagonal for another ....
 13-16 Half-hey, this time ending with everyone improper and 
       progressed. (The minor set is now turned halfway round).

Teaching Point: Before teaching A 1-8, have each set circle a quarter of the way to the right to see where to end. Do it again before teaching A 9-16.
