Bridge of Athlone

Five Couple Longways (5 x 48 Jigs)
8 More Bars, Track 11, uses Jockey to the Fair; Merrily Kissed the Quaker; Dingles Regatta
but the music is not pleasant
Also: Cadgers in the Canongate
for slower try Parting Lovers

   Al        Lines advance, retire and cross over
           - men arch.
   A2        As A1-ladies arch.
   81        Top couple gallop down the middle and back.
   82        Top couple cast off to make arch at bottom: 
             other couples follow lead through arch
             to new places (progression).
   A3        All 2 hand arch with partner. Leading girl dances 
             up under the arches and down the outside while 
             leading man dances up the outside and down the middle.
   B3        All swing partners.
