The Bonny Grey-Ey’d Morn (1696) 

A1  16  1st corners R-hand turn; then 1M cast down into 2nd place, 2M moving up turning L.
    16  1s (2nd corner positions) L-hand turn; then 1W cast down into 2nd place, 2W moving up
           turning R.

A2 32 Repeat A1 with other dancers in these places.

B1 16 1s cross R & go below into 2nd place, 2s leading up; then 1s half-figure 8 up through 2s.

    16  1s lead down through couple below & cast back, then lead up through couple above &
        cast back.

B2 16 2s cross R & go below into 2nd place, 1s leading up; then 2s half-figure 8 up through 1s.

     8  2s lead down through couple below & cast back.
     8  1s long cast down into 2nd place while 2s lead up and turn single up (man L, woman R).
