Better Day Better Deed

Longways triple minor 1742

A1 l-4   All side into line L.S. and fall back.
A1 5-6   1st couple cast one place while 2nd couple move up'
A1 7-S   All change places with partner R.S.

A2 1-4   All side into line R.S. and fall back.
A2 5-6   1st couple cast one place while 3rd couple move up.
A2 7-8   All change places with partner L.S.

B1 1-2   1st and 3rd man and 1st and 3rd lady change places R.S.
         along the line.
B1 3-4   1st couple only cross over L.S. in the middle.
B1 5-6   1st man and 2nd lady change places (along the line) R.S.
         while 1st lady and 2nd man do the same.         
B1 7-B   1st couple only change places L.S. in their original place .

B2 1-4   1st couple taking inside hands lead down the set taking
         2nd couple with them in a line of 4 while 3rd couple lead
         down and cast up round the 2nd couple who are on the
         ends of the line.
B2 5-8  1st and 2nd couple turn to face up (man R. and lady L.)
        and make rings of 3 on sides with the 3rd couple who have
        cast above them. Men circle L. and ladies R. finishing with
        1st couple in progressed place.

Source : Wright's Compleat Collection Yol. I 1742

O Copyright 1983 Kepas Consultants. Eynsham Oxford

Meaning of “Better Day Better Deed”. All I could find was this: “Frequently used to justify working on a Sunday or religious festival. Cf. early 14th‐cent. Fr. a bon jour bone euvre.”
