====== Trip to the Jubilee ====== John Essex published in Playford in 1698 \\ Interpreted by Pat Shaw in 1962, \\ Proper duple minor A1 1 1st Couple change places in 3 slip steps. 2 Then Turn Single, ending facing out, while the 2nd Couple crosses over and takes hands. 3-4 Sides take hands and go sideways up the hall and back again. A2 1 1st Couple slip sideways down the middle while the 2nd Couple slips sideways up to the 1st place. 2 Turn Single. 3-4 Then turn your Partners once around, the 1st Couple ending in the 2nd place proper. B 1 1st Couple lead up the middle. 2-3 1st Couple cast off while the 2nd Couple leads up. 4 2nd Couple cast off to your original place. 5 Turn your Partner halfway round by both hands. 6 Then cross back to your places, slipping back to back. 7-8 1st Couple cast off into the 2nd place. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLpffcfXLFY\\ Animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scAlRn4gwfo\\ Recording: {{ ::music:trip_to_the_jubilee-072-bntad-10.mp3.zip |}}