====== REAL PRINCESS ====== Pat Shaw 4 cpl longways, C1 and C3 improper\\ Recording: {{ ::music:real_princess_the--023.mp3.zip |}} A1 1-4 All fwd and back 5-8 All swing ptner (pivot step) (?? finish with W on RH of M so next bit works) A2 Ladies chain C1-C2, C3-C4, finish facing B1 1-4 End couples meet and half Rts and Lefts WHILE middles nove up or down to ends and turn partner 2H half way 5-8 New ends meet as above, as middles move to ends Face ends then fall back (Set now upside down) B2 1-8 C1 lead up (double step), separate, and cast to bottom followed by others. All turn Partner 2h half way to finish.