====== Pride and Pomposity ====== or **Monieks Maggot-duple-version** Duple minor A1 Couple 1 cross right shoulder and fall back (as per Neat Mr. John) Couple 1 2H turn all way round Couple 1 mirror turn single out of the turn, M right, W left, while Couple 2 cross R shoulder moving up and passing Couple 1 (men right, women left) Couple 1 cross R shoulder into gypsies M1 W2 on men's side LEFT M2 W1 on women's side RIGHT, into A2 Lines of 4 (W2 M1 W1 M2 facing up) up and back C1 face out, C2 face in for almost full hey for 4 C1 finish in middle after 7/8 of hey, C2 finish it improper) and C1 face down improper for B Longish down the middle and back (I tend to find this is 6+ of the 8 bars with final 2 or slightly less for ...) C1 cross and cast to new places while C2 cross and move up if necessary. Reconstructed by JN and named from Pride and Prejudice movie 2005 version. This is clearly a conceit created to give enough time for dialogue, particularly in the extremely long down and back. However, it is a nice looking dance, even if very difficult to phrase comfortably. Comments on the DVD suggest it took over 5 hours to shoot, on top of rehearsal, and there was a lot of editing after. It is unfortunate that the film shows practically only the head and shoulders of the protagonists -- the rest of the dancers are hard to see -- indeed they are "deleted" for the last round of the dance!\\ Note: There is a triple minor version by Philippe Callens 1990 for Moniek van Hylfe\\ music+