====== Parkgate ====== Antony Baldwin\\ Orly Krasner in 2007\\ Three-couple longways proper\\ Tune: Parkgate A1 1-4 Partners join inside hands and go up a double and back. 5-8 2s and 3s skip up through the 1s (who release hands) and cast back down. Order is now: 7-3-2. A2 1-4 Partners lead down a double and back. 5-8 3s, followed by 1s, skip down through the 2s (who release hands at the bottom), and cast back up. Order is now: 3-7-2. B1 1-2 1s in middle place cross passing right-shoulder (in four steps) to face out while 3s at the top turn down to face out of the set and join inside hands with neighbor. 3-4 Gate turns at the top, 1s moving forward halfway to face back into the set. 5-8 1s improper at the top join inside hands, skip down through the bottom couple (2s) and cast back to middle place, 3s moving up. B2 1-4 Gate turns at the bottom, 1s moving down and around back to middle place. 5-8 Partners two-hand turn to end proper (end couples turn once around, middles turn once and a half). Progression: 3-1-2 Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71ThaYN9Nbg This dance was written to celebrate the marriage of Michael Overton and Michele Menzies. Michael suggested using Parkgate as a title; the town has historical significance (Handel stopped there en route to Dublin to conduct the premiere of Messiah) but it is also personally significant: Michele's grandparents lived there and Michael's grandparents lived in a town nearby.