Lover's Farewell Pat Shaw from "New Wine in Old Bottles" Longways for 3 couples, progressive. A1 1-4 M1 & W3 RH turn 1* 5-8 M1 and W3 continue outside to each other's place WHILE W1 and M3 LH turn 1* A2 1-4 3 men LH star 1+ time, while women same 5-8 M1 and W3 pass back to back into other star, and turn to original place ?? B1 1-8 Circle left B2 1-8 Heys on side. M1 & M2 R shoulder, W2 & W3 same. C1 1-4 C1 cross and down, C2 up 5-8 C1 1/2 fig. 8 down through C3 9-16 C1 and C2 face up, C3 down, Morris Hey (??explain) C2 1-8 C3 cast up, C1 move down to third place, C3 cross R shoulder, continue up outside C2, down middle to 2nd place, crossing to own side (women in front) 9-16 All Double Hey, C1 pass inside C3 to start