====== Independence ====== Orly Krasner\\ Four-couple longways, 1s and 3s improper\\ Tune: Independence A1 1-4 Middle couples face nearest end and hey right shoulder halfway along the line. 5-8 In halves of the set, star right once around. A2 1-8 Repeat the figures of A1 to get home. B1 1-4 Partners set right and left and two-hand turn halfway. 5-8 In halves of the set, partners draw poussette clockwise halfway (men go forward to start). B2 1-4 Partners set right and left and two-hand turn halfway. 5-8 Middle couples draw poussette clockwise halfway (men go forward to start) while end couples continue the partner two-hand turn once around (once and a half total). Progress>on: 2-4-1-3 Teaching tips: The transitions from hey to star need to be taught carefully. They happen quickly and can be confusing, especially for the far second corners w'ho need to finish the last loop of the key to get into the stars. Keep the set tight and ease out of the stars to face neighbors for the hey. This dance was first tried out on August 12, 2001 during Mary Devlin's open mic session at Pinewoods. It had no title at the time, and Bernice McNeice suggested "Glorious Twelfth," noting that August 12th is the day that grouse- hunting season officially opens in the UK. But good titles are hard to find and that one boas already taken. After trying many others on for size, "Independence" seemed to match best the spirit of the tune.