====== Dutch Diamond ====== Longways duple minor, 2s improper Peter André, 1998.\\ Tune: The Diamonds of Holland, Susan and Peter Swann, 1998. A1 Men turn R and keep hands. Women join for a star R. Go about 3/4 to form a diamond, men facing each other up and down the set. 1st man faces up. A Repeat with women turning L into a star L, 1st woman facing down in the daimond. B Take hands in a ring and all balance in and out; then two chassés along the diamond, men one place to their R and women one place to their L, to form a new diamond. Repeat. Starting with the next person you meet (your neighbor), two changes of Rights & Lefts Same neighbors turn about halfway, opening into progressed place. Honor partner. History: Written for the diamond (60th) wedding anniversary of Daphne and Bill Holland, June 1998. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-ffcwPvXsk No music