====== Doctor Bending's Serpent ====== Choreography: Sharon Green, 26 May 2009\\ **Tune: DrBendingsSerpent,** Thomas Bending, 1999\\ Dances from the Greenery\\ Formation: 3-Couple Set proper A1 1-4 Partners set R&L, change places turning single R End facing out] 5-8 Lines of 3 lead away, fall back At last moment, all face in A2 1-8 All that again B1 1-4 Ones & Twos ½ poussette to change places CW M1 advances to start 5-8 Ones & Threes the same [M1 backing] Order now 2-3-1 B2 1-8 Circle 6 L & R slipping Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oM8c1a-bN4