====== CHEERILY AND MERRILY ====== Source: The English Dancing Master, 1st edition, 1651\\ Tune: Cheerily and merrily\\ Record: Dancecraft 123324\\ Formation: Longways set for 4 Couples. Part I A 1–4 All lead up a double and fall back a double to places RS. 5–8 That again. B 1–4 Partners set and turn single. 5–8 That again. Part II A 1–2 Second man and third woman cross and change places RS. 3–4 Third man and second woman do the same. 5–8 First and third couples hands-four once round; while second and fourth couples do the same. B 1–2 Second man and third woman cross and change places RS. 3–4 Third man and second woman do the same. 5–8 First and second couples hands-four once round; while third and fourth couples do the same. Part III A 1–4 Partners side Right Shoulder 5–8 That again. B 1–4 Partners set and turn single. 5–8 That again. Part IV A 1–4 First and fourth men and woman move forward a double and meet their partners; whereupon, first and fourth couples meet, the former leading down, the latter up RS. Simultaneously, second and third men and second and third women fall back a double and then dance four slips, the second couple up and the third down. 5–8 First and fourth couples hands-four once round; while second and third men turn their partners. B 1–4 Second and third men and woman move forward a double and meet their partners; whereupon, second and third couples meet, the former leading down, the latter up RS. Simultaneously, first and fourth men and first and fourth women fall back a double and then dance four slips, the first couple up and the fourth down. 5–8 Second and third couples hands-four once round; while first and fourth men turn their partners. Part V A 1–4 Partners arm with the right. 5–8 Partners arm with the left. B 1–4 Partners set and turn single. 5–8 That again. Part VI A 1–4 Men hands-four. 5–8 Women the same. B 1–8 Men the straight-hey (Fig.12, p.53) on their own side; while women do the same. Video: Bolton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90qo2rynixo\\ Sharp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WOh-Ab6DVE\\ video animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90qo2rynixo