====== A Celt's New Dance ====== by Gary Roodman 1996\\ Tune: A Celt's New Dance\\ 4 couples, square formation Part I Part Bars Description A1 4 Join hands. All in a double and out 4 Face partner and do two changes of grand chain Reform the set with original opposite as partner A2 8 All that again to original place, with new partner B1 2 With partner, Turn by the right 3/4 until womem are in the center 4 Women star left once while men walk CW halfway around outside 2 Meet opposite, turn by the right hand halfway so men are in center B2 4 Men star left once around while women walk CW around outside 4 Meet partner and turn by the right halfway into home positions. Part II Part Bars Description A1 4 Side with partner 4 Two changes of grand chain, starting partner by right hand A2 4 Side with new partner (original opposite) 4 Two changes of grand chain End with original partner in opposite places B1 2 Head couples lead in to middle 2 Heads change hands & lead out while sides lead into middle 2 Heads cast to side positions while sides meet opposites & lead out to nearest head positions 2 All 2 hand turn opposites B2 8 All that again, with heads & sides reversing roles All end in original places Part III Part Bars Description A1 4 Partners arm right & fall back 4 changes of grand chain, starting partner by right hand A2 8 All that again from new positions End near partner in lines along the sides, facing in (Original sides are in center of lines, heads at ends) B1 2 Lines fall back 2 All turn single 4 Lines come forward, cross through passing right shoulders reform into lines at heads, facing in (Ends cross with half-gypsy and move in while middles move out to join ends of new lines) B2 4 Lines fall back & all turn single. 4 Lines come forward, cross through passing right shoulders Reform the set into a square with original partner in home position Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqrj19vYKDI