====== Barcelona ====== Walsh, 1706. Interpreted by Andrew Shaw 2017\\ Longways, duple minor\\ Tune: Barcelona A 1-4 1st man and 2nd wo. back-to-back R. (6 + 6 steps). 5-8 1st wo. and 2nd man back-to-back R. (6 + 6 steps). B1 1-4 Ist cpl. cross R. and go down the outside into 2nd place, 2nd cpl. meeting and leading up into 1st place (3 + 3 steps), then all turn S., 1st cpl. down, 2nd cpl. up (6 steps). 5-8 Ptns. back-to-back R. (6 + 6 steps). B2 1-4 1st cpl. cast up above 2nd cpl. (6 steps), then cross L. and go back down the outside into 2nd place proper (3 + 3 steps), as 2nd cpl. meet, lead down, turn in to face up and lead back. 5-6 Ptns. clap own hands once on 1st beat of each bar. 7-8 Ptns. 2-hand turn once round. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2w787UO438\\ Note on the title: \\ Although the War of the Spanish Succession (1702-1713) was fought mostly in Flanders, the Spanish front was of particular interest to Britain, and in June 1705 the decision was taken to attack Barcelona with allied forces under the command of Charles Mordaunt, third Earl of Peterborough. The greatest trading centre in Spain, Barcelona's defences were the strongest in the country and included the formidable fortress of Monjuic crowning a hill rising almost 600 feet above the city (referred to in the dance title Fort of Mounjoy in Nathaniel Kynaston's 1710 collection). When a lucky shot hit the magazine in the fort, Monjuic fell and, after a short siege, Barcelona capitulated in October. For a short time it seemed as if the war in Spain was over. In fact, 1706 would prove even more eventful than 1705, but that's another story for another dance. Note on the dance:\\ The figure is that of the dance The Maids Delight from A nero Additional Sheet to the Dancing-Master, a supplement to the 7 edition, published by Henry Playford between 1686 and 1690. The tune to this dance was in 6/8.