In 2022 we emerged from Covid 19, all masked up, lots of hand sanitizer, and no snacks at the break.
These photos taken in Spring & Fall 2022.
By Fall we were seeing an average of 20 dancers at our regular Friday dance at the Mlacak Centre, Kanata. This including a number who have not danced with us before.
Photographer ~ Robert Mullan
Photographer ~ Joey Walker
The wind howled; roofs blew off; trees down; the power went off and the lights went out. It was a minute before the first dance on May 4th 2018.
That didn't stop the Friday dance. The dance line moved near the windows not only for light but to avoid the bucket under the leak in the roof.
What about music? No problem, Jamie's Bluetooth speaker was charged and the music was on his phone.
We got in five dances but finally had to call it a day after the sun set. Thanks to the Mlacak Centre staff who lit the way out.
Photographer ~ Suzette Argo
Taken Oct 5th 2012 at a regular Friday dance at the Mlacak Centre, Kanata.
Callers: Sara Lawson (pale blue top) & Mary Williams (dark blue top).
Dancing Jacque Latin (Longways duple minor), pictured (L to R): Sara, Don, Christine, Mary, Atsuko, Graham, Jennifer, Janet (sleve!), Andrew, Linda, Don, Liz, George
Photographer ~ Suzette Argo
Dancing The Introduction ( 4 couple set, longways), pictured (L to R): Godfrey, Mary, Don, Liz; Jane, Graham, Linda, George; Sara (caller); Atsuko, Christine, Andrew, Han; Don & ? (out)
Photographer ~ Suzette Argo
Photographer ~ Laurie?
Sara Lawson (right) and daughter Laurie spent a wonderful day with Susan Becker (left) in Zurich...Susan sends her greetings to all her Ottawa dancing friends.
She has not yet found a good enough dance group to replace ECD Kanata, but she has been teaching international dances to her pupils.
Source ~ Miriam Kilby
Photographer ~ Han
Valentine's Tea Dance held by Anne & Han at their home in Balderson, Ontario, on Sunday February 14, 2010.
Photographer ~ ?
Front Row left: Greg, Andrew, John, Lucy, Shelley, Milan & Peppi; Seated left: Liz, Angela, Vivien, Mary N, Michelle & Marten, Mary-Jane, visitor?; Back Row left: ?, Don, Christine, Irfôna, Nigel, Graham, Montreal visitor?, Jean, visitor?, Robert, Mary W, Godfrey, Ronda, Sue, ?, Janet, Brenda.
Source ~ Nigel Kilby
Ottawa English Country Dance Club founding members, Nigel Kilby & John Nash (not pictured!!), meet in 1983 at a dance in Peterborough, Ontario.
Ottawa English Country Dance Club, 1984, celebrate Ontario's Bicentennial, Nigel taught English Country Dance to the re-enactors.
Source ~ Nigel Kilby
Photographer ~ John Nash
Taken during on a trip to London, Ontario, in February 1989, this is the only photo we have of the Chaundys, founding members of OECDC.
Pictured, from the left, Irfôna Larkin, Mary & George Argus, Nigel & Angela Kilby, Pam Lawes, Jennifer & Christopher Chaundy, and Mary Nash (John believed to be behind the camera).
Mary & Don dance Levi Jackson at Pinecrest Community Centre Friday - Nov 15th, 2002.
Behind them on the left, John & ?
Behind right, Angela & Nigel.
In front to the left, ? & Kathryn's? nose. And on the right ? & ??
Musicians at the back: ?
Photographer ~ Robert Cook?
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